UH Energy - EV Toolkit | Truck
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Reference Models: Chevrolet Silverado | GMC Sierra | Ford F150 | Toyota Tundra | Nissan Titan

Model Inputs, Internal Combustion Engine
Vehicle Life Years
Distance Traveled Per Year After Purchase Miles
Manufacture, Assembly, and Delivery
Manufacture Assembly - GHG Emissions MT CO2e
Delivery - GHG Emissions MT CO2e
Operation and Disposal
Tailpipe Emissions
Emissions Per Gallon of Gasoline kg CO2e/Gal
Fuel Efficiency Miles/Gal
Fuel Cycle (Production, Refining, Transport to Sales)
Ethanol Fuel Cycle
Volume % of Ethanol %
Ethanol Fuel Cycle Basis kg CO2e/Gal
Petroleum (Gasoline) Fuel Cycle
Upstream (Well to Refining Emissions) MT CO2e/BBL
Processing (Volumetric) Gain %
Refining GHG Emissions Basis MT CO2e/BBL
Distribution (Refining to Sales)
Evaporative Loss %
Truckbon Intensity (GWP100), Gasoline MT CO2e/MT
Tank-Truck Shipment to Sales Centers MT CO2e/year
Disposal -GHG Emissions MT CO2e

Reference Models: Chevrolet Silverado | GMC Sierra | Ford F150 | Toyota Tundra | Nissan Titan

Model Inputs, EV (Electric Vehicle)
Vehicle Life Years
Distance Traveled Per Yr After Purchase Miles
Manufacture, Assembly, and Delivery
Lithium Battery Manufacture MT CO2e
Other Manufacture MT CO2e
Delivery MT CO2e
Operation and Disposal
Electricity Generation, Transmission, Use
Energy Efficiency Factors (Ford Lighting)
Efficiency (Miles/KWh Charged) Miles/KWh
Battery Maxiumum Charge Level KWh
Charging Loss (Per Charge Event) % of Battery Charge
Battery Self-Discharge (Over Life) %/month of Battery Charge
Electrical Transmission Line Loss %
Electricity Generation - Source Profile (U.S. Average)
Natural Gas %
Coal %
Petroleum %
Other Gases %
Nuclear %
Wind %
Hydropower %
Solar (Photovoltaic) %
Solar (Thermal) %
Biomass %
Geothermal %
Electricity Generation- Fuel Cycle
Natural Gas - GHG Basis gm CO2e/MMbtu ngas
Coal - GHG Basis gm CO2e/MMbtu coal
Petroleum (Fuel Oil) - GHG Basis gm CO2e/MMbtu fuel oil
Disposal - GHG MT CO2e